喂??? It's me. Victor Kuan.
What the heck is a "Victor Kuan?"
I'm a Product Manager with experience from Jane Street and building two startups.
I build and market useful, beautiful products.
  • Just finished grad school at UC Berkeley (Information Management Systems)
  • Did my undergrad at University of Washington (Computer Science & Business)
  • Love tennis, videography, neurodivergence-studies
If you want to chat, send me an email:
Right now…
I'm a Product Marketing guy at Gamma, having an amazing time making strategies, content, and videos with Anthony Reddy and Grant Lee.
Kuan chillin with some startup teammates circa 2020
Kuan saying byebye to his best friends in Seattle circa 2021
Kuan, donezo with Berkeley grad school circa 2024
Places I've worked in the recent past…
Jane Street
Strategy & Product
University of Washington
User Researcher
Co-founder & Lead Product Manager
Software Engineer
Notable career moments for Kuan…

KiwiLink: from ideation to 3,000 users!

KiwiLink video… KiwiLink - the ultimate UW study buddy finder app! Download for free on iOS and Android! Problem: As a college freshman, I noticed it was hard to find relevant study buddies at the University of Washington. Research: Talking to my peers, I found that roughly 68% of my classmates at UW also struggled with this. Taking initiative to build: I really wanted to solve this problem, so I convinced some of my most talented friends to help me build KiwiLink Launch: In just 3 months, I led our team in narrowing down our scope, iteratively designing and engineering our platform, interfacing with customers and partners, and then finally releasing the KiwiLink iOS and Android app in September of 2020 Impact: After diligently leading product marketing and iterative agile development sprints, I drove KiwiLink to help 2,000+ UW students make 30,000+ relevant study buddy connections!

Jane Street: increasing traffic for an internal tool by 150%!

Problem: Jane Street had launched an MVP of an essential CLI tool to help traders simplify part of their workflow, but traders weren’t really using the tool at all This really bugged me - I wanted to figure out how to improve this product such that traders would find it much more accessible and helpful Execution process: First, I thought to analyze some existing usage data from the product. From there, I created some data visualizations which showcased weird and interesting insights, leading me to conduct 30 user research interviews to learn more and clear up confusion From the insights, I was able to write up a product roadmap for a version2 of this tool, addressing the problems I found from our user research. It included fixing bugs, removing unnecessary features, improving features, and setting up a marketing campaign Results? Traffic for this tool increased by 150% (from 200 users to 500 users)!

Noncents: shipped a product MVP, driving 200+ sales!

Problem: Teens need to learn about personal finance, but they don't want to. Existing tools are boring. Solution: My friend and I wanted to make a fun card game to teach teens about finance! Thus, we founded Noncents Games Process: We wrote a product spec document outlining the problem, our goals, and what we wanted to build. I hired an artist and a game designer. We had disagreements about the game's direction, educational content, and art. We used user research, our product spec, and advice from experts to compromise and decide on a direction. Results: Eventually, I was able to lead the team to ship the Noncents MVP and sell over 200 copies!

Exploring Win-Win product marketing!

Problem: At some point, KiwiLink's user growth started to stagnate logarithmically (bad), but existing user engagement remained high (good) Process: This indicated to me that we should think about developing more effective product marketing strategies Traditional methods of advertising an app can be annoying and invasive, so I wanted to think more about inbound marketing "What if we try win-win marketing, where we partner with UW clubs and we symbiotically help each other with outreach?" So, we partnered with 10+ large UW clubs and advertised those clubs to relevant users on our KiwiLink platform. In exchange, the partner clubs did constituent-outreach for KiwiLink as well Results: Results? KiwiLink’s user base doubled (from a stagnant 1,000 users to around 2,000), and we helped our 10+ partner clubs increase club attendance by about 20%! KiwiLink - the ultimate UW study buddy finder app! Download for free on iOS and Android!

Some additional work highlights…
Created and led two classes at UC Berkeley!
read more about it…
Published paper at Harvard!
read more about it…
  • Worked as a User Researcher at the University of Washington
  • Interviewed a diverse array of Twitter users to learn more about how to combat Twitter misinformation
Leading as CTO at Youzi (a Skydeck startup)
read more about it…
  • unknown linkpractice Mandarin in a more fun and immersive way
  • Leading in processes including systems design, prompt engineering, and product marketing
But who is Victor Kuan OUTSIDE of work?

Who in the hell is he???
Victor Kuan in action
Stay connected with me!!